It's true. I haven't written in a while, but I suppose all I needed was a catalyst to get me back in the swing. Today, I've had several of them. The first of which is the embarrassment of make a huge-"bottom" mistake on my travel website page. I can't be considered a credible journalist making faux pas (how does one write the plural of faux pas???) I misidentified the name of a theater where a great one-woman show is now playing. The play is Funeral Potatoes, and it is at the Flashpoint Theater in Washington, DC. In my original article, I'd said it was located at the Source Theater, which is owned by the same people who own Flashpoint. Arghhh!!!!! I want to scream.
The next jolt I got was when I looked in my inbox and found a ton of mail. I've got to answer or address each one.
And the last thing that woke me up was an article I read about a website called YourBookTube. What's so curious about it is the fact that it's a website of videos for people who love books, for people who have made it a habit to read. Perhaps it's a play on the social tendency to buy and read books on the basis of the recommendation of a friend. Do people seem "friendlier" when you can see them versus when they write? Would I trust a video recommendation over a written review? And if so, what would that mean for the future of books in general?
Years ago people feared that television would eliminate the need for print materials. Maybe that revolution didn't happen as quickly as they may have guessed, but it seems that today's technologies are taking more and more away from that sector of communications. The odd thing is that it has been proven that reading does more for the brain than watching television or online videos. When we read, it's like giving our brain a workout. So what happens to a society or a generation of young people who abandon reading for videos and other less challenging tasks?