Stephanie Meyer is a writer of vampire fiction. Her latest book, Eclipse
Here's an interesting blog post from one of the blogs I follow. She talks about spiritual warfare and how she relieved herself of fear through scripture and prayer.
Wine, Tomatoes & Dandelions: But I will trust in Him...selah...
I bring this up because I experienced something similar myself yesterday. I'm away on business now (though that is not a good excuse for not blogging) and one of the things there is to do here where I am is go on a tour. I'm here in the French Quarter of New Orleans
I'm not usually interested in "the dark side," but I figured, well, I'm in New Orleans, the home of Voodoo, so going on a dark tour would simply be like partaking of the culture. I really had to psyche myself up for this. The tour didn't start until 8:30, so I walked around a bit. Ambling really. I'd convinced myself to take the vampire tour, meeting up at a nearby voodoo shop to start. The closer I got to the start of the tour, though, the more I kept being reminded of God. I began to see crosses in storefronts that I hadn't seen before when I had passed by earlier. Then I walked into an antique shop and saw another cross. I jokingly said I should buy one to protect me while I'm out on the vampire tour. He didn't laugh. He walked over to me, picked up the cross, and opened it. He said it was "sick" cross. He showed me where the holy water went and several other things that were supposed to go in it.
Well, that last experience did it for me. Nightfall had finally come over the city, and I'd decided to just go back to my hotel. I'd gotten some beignets and a cafe au lait from the legendary Cafe du Monde and headed back. I'd passed by this homeless man (or at least a disheveled man who appeared homeless) and he said something to me under his breath, but I did hear him say something like, "get out of New Orleans." He could have been saying anything. He could have been talking about he wanted to leave the city. He could have been deranged. But the crosses, and vampires, and the darkness really scared the daylights out of me so that when I heard him say that, I really felt I needed to get back to my hotel.
So headed on and then I thought about dinner. I stopped in a dive and ordered two slices to go. Then I stayed to chat with the bartender for a while. Wouldn't you know it, when I left that place, the homeless man was outside, along with three other devious characters, sitting in a dark alleyway just on the other side of my hotel.
Obviously, I made it back because I've lived to write this blog. But my goodness, how strange it is that the blogger from Wine, Tomatoes, and Dandelions also had an eerily similar spiritual experience at around the same time.
1 comment:
This stuff really scares me for some reason ^.^
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