In the past, when I've tried to save consistently, some sort of emergency would inevitably show up. And then when the money was gone, it would be easy not to start all over again. I know this one simple act of saving consistently is the first step in realizing financial independence. One of my favorite money books, The Automatic Millionaire (by David Bach)
At first, I started with the idea of saving $40 a week. Then I suppose I felt that amount was just too comfortable, so I upped it by $10. The truth is, saving $40 is actually no easy task. I'm really living paycheck to paycheck. One wrong move, and I'm out. I've got to think about what I'm spending my money on, what I'm not spending on, and how I can go about reducing my spending where I can.
I already know I spend a lot of income eating out. Sometimes, it will be at a restaurant. Other times, it's just fast food. Least of all will I spend time actually cooking, though it is both the cheapest and healthiest way to eat. It might also help contribute to my weight loss. (Follow my weight loss on my other blog: Eating out, I think I spend about $75 or more a week. It's not just because I like to either. Eating out is convenient when you spend lots of time at the office.
I will also try to chronicle how I save money. I think I'm paying too much on my cell phone bill already. That's something else I can cut back on. But I don't want to become a penny pincher. I don't want to live in fear of not having enough. I want to live comfortably and be debt free with considerable wealth.
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