(Image Credit: businesstravel.us)
I feel like it's been months since I last blogged. I'd really gotten into a great grove, then I had this business trip, and suddenly it was like everything blogging and writing had dissipated. I have come to enjoy this blogging as much as I enjoy going to work each day. It's a labor of love. It's not always fascinating, but when I get into it, I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.
Today, I'm taking one for the team. I'm on a business trip, but my flight has been cancelled, so I must stay in town for another two days. It's a sacrifice, but one I am willing to make.
So how does this relate to the challenge? Well, in one aspect, I still haven't managed to finish The Devil Wears Prada. It's really a good read, but my goodness, if I don't finish it this weekend, I'm going to burst. I'm tired of looking at that book, and as I've said, I do have a dozen or more other books I'd like to read. In anticipation of finishing The Devil Wears Prada during this trip, I brought along Gulliver's Travels as my backup. A good classic. That's part of the challenge of broadening my understanding of the world: reading some of the world's most revered books.
There's a book that's coming to mind whose name escapes me at the moment. It was a book with a trial, a set of twins -- one black, one white, one rich, one poor -- in the South, riverboat country, slavery or early emancipation. I bring it up because it was one of those classics I was actually surprised to have enjoyed. I hope I feel the same way about Gulliver's Travels...if I ever get to it.
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