Tonight, as I was watching the news (ABC, I think, with Charlie Gibson), they aired a story about a man named BJ Hill who quit his job teaching to walk across America collecting letters people to the President (Obama, that is). As I watched that news story, several things struck me. First, I wonder why it is that we're celebrating a man who quit his job teaching when our country is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified teachers. Wouldn't he be doing our country a better service if he were to stay in the classroom (assuming that he is a good teacher) and teach our children to read or do algebra? Second, why didn't he just organize a e-mailing campaign? With the technology we have today, it's really unnecessary to go about on foot collecting responses in a notepad. Third, with all the clean-up Bush has left for Obama, what would make Mr. Hill believe that the President (Obama) would have either the time or inclination to read the fruits of his voyage?
I can only suppose it must be a slow news day, but there are stories to report about Toyota experiencing its first financial loss in several decades, stories about Zimbabwe and Mugabe's refusal to step down from power in the midst of country's bitter turmoil, stories about Russia and the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). Even if the news show were searching for a feel-good ending to the newscast, I find it very difficult to believe that in this "season of giving" that a reporter could not find a better story of how men and women give up their time to reach out and help those in need. Mr. Hill isn't even reaching out. He isn't even walking for a worthy cause. He is raising money on website for what? New shoes for himself so he can continue to walk across the country collecting stories when a simple e-mail to the White House would do.
Critical thinking. That's something we all need to work on and I hope that this challenge, by opening my eyes to all that's out there, can also help me see even when others do not.
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